Thursday, February 04, 2010

A Plea For My Generation...

Last night was such a powerful night, as the youth group poured forth their praise, showing God that they were indeed hungry for His presence. One thing Ben said was "Hunger attracts the presence of God." I mean, how true is that? If we just go in, and sit around, doing nothing at all to invite God in...we're not going to get anything. We have to WANT His presence, His sweet aroma! 

Lately, I have been thinking about the ministry that God is wanting me to start. It is all coming real and so close. After I go to Bethel Church in Redding, California, this fall, I'm going to come back to my hometown and start up a youth ministry/music venue. God is giving me all of these cool, awesome ideas for it and it is all starting to come together (At least in my mind!) 

But one thing I absolutely know I want...God has been giving me an insatiable desire for my generation to know love. Real love. HIS love. And once they do, to go out and spread it and spread His presence, to live in His presence and bring it with them everywhere they go. To bathe in His river of Glory and Peace and Presence. It's going to be a ministry, yes, but it is also going to be sort of a training center, to send out kids, JUST IN THEIR HOMETOWN to be a their schools, their work...

Anyways. That's my babbling for the day.:) Have a stupendous rest of the week filled with God's Presence.:)

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