Monday, March 01, 2010

The Great Romance...

One of my favorite series of books is the Circle Triology by Ted Dekker. In one part of the books, the little boy is like Jesus and he takes his followers swimming in this lake. The electricity...the love, joy, peace, they experience while in that lake is like basking in God's love for us. It is so ELECTRIC. All of their sins fall away and they want nothing more than to love Jesus and feel his love. (Read those books...Black, Red, and White are the names of the three in the series).

Our relationship with Jesus is just that...a great romance. Yes, he is a King and powerful. But he also has a side that is so incredibly in love with are his princess/prince. "His love like a hurricane, I am a tree." That's how His love for us is.  In His presence, it's like getting wrecked, in an awesome way, by a hurricane. It makes you faint with love for Him. Everything else in this world fades away while experiencing his love. It is...dancing with your lover, walking barefoot along the beach, stargazing and wondering at the majesty of Him. 

My favorite book of the Bible is Song of Songs because it so erotic yet pure. So pure. Jesus' love for us is SO CRAZY INSANE!!! Yet so pure at the same time. All of the blackness, the depression leaves when his love comes into play. 

Let Him romance you. Let him dance with you. Let Him whisper his words of love into your ear and tell you that you are are beautiful...let religion go, and let the Spirit come. Let Him destroy all other lovers that keep you bound and chained up in depression and sin. 

Just let Him in. Let Him romance you. He will never break your heart, or make you cry (Only in a good way!) or rip your heart to a million pieces. He will never cheat on you. He only gives good. 

Let Him romance you. 

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