Monday, August 02, 2010


I was sitting, watching a movie.

Restlessness came upon me. A desperate love for Jesus came over me. And I suddenly wasn't satisfied anymore with the funny comments and witty replies the characters were saying on the big screen TV. I became restless to experience more than a mundane life. And I by far do not live a mundane life. 

You say "well, Sunday was just yesterday. You shouldn't be restless, you should be fulfilled." Well I'm not. And guess what? Worship isn't only for Sundays. Sundays worship was incredible, like I said. Why can't I experience that everyday? Why not? I want to.

Turning up the Kim Walker/Jesus Culture and I'm just going to worship him extravagantly, right here in my basement, with my nephew. I want to dance with my Jesus today, hold onto Him, and know His love for me is neverending.

The mundane, mediocre tasks I go through everyday will become extraordinary when I worship Him and rest in His presence.

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