Lately, God has just been giving me creativity and I've been writing. I may or may not share some of it on here, but I hope that I will be writing on this blog more often. I find it freeing. This is how I can express myself. Anyways! Back to what I want to write about...
A guest speaker came to our Saturday Night Fire services last Saturday. He is an amazing, humble, great guy. Everything--and I mean, EVERYTHING--he said completely spoke to my heart.
He spoke about peace. And finding peace in your secret place--your place where you go to be alone with God. To settle back and rest and to not worry! This is somewhat of a big issue for me. Relationships in my life that I have been constantly worrying about, so much that they were invading my dream time and making "Sleeping peacefully" non-existent.
My secret place with God is where I will truly learn to be like have His glory shine on me. I want to be more like Jesus. This man was also talking about how Jesus healed from being peaceful and restful. He did not exert any effort in healing people. It happened when he commanded healing and it came, because of His ability to find rest wherever he went . Sorry, I'm just blabbing out my thoughts as they come, so if this is hard to understand, I apologize.
One of the things he said was this: "The only storm you have authority in is the one you sleep through" the one you have rest in. (Bill Johnson actually said that...Dan just quoted him.:))
I bawled through his whole message. It was as if God was saying "Rachel..this is for you. I love you"
I am so glad to serve a God..not serve, WORSHIP, ADORE, LOVE ON, a God who cares so much for everyone. While we were still sinners, He loved us. So how much more does he love us when we are His children? Awesome awesome awesome.
Thanks for putting up with my random, emotion-filled babbling. I appreciate it.:-)
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