Saturday, January 23, 2010

Heart like Jesus.

You ask me what I love most. This is my answer: to be in the Presence of God. I don't ever want to leave it and I don't have to. I bring it with me wherever I go. But there are those times, when it is so thick that the only thing you can do is go down on your knees and worship the king of glory. 

What kind of love is this, that I will willingly follow Him anywhere...anywhere He goes? I've always said I love God with my whole heart...but I realized, I haven't given Him my full heart yet. 

My blog name is "Faint with love for my Beloved." I don't think I actually became faint with love for Him until today, as I was worshipping him...and his love like a hurricane was roaring through me, where I couldn't see anything, hear anything, think about anything other than my Jesus. His glory just completely...ahh. That's what it is like, giving Him your full heart. And I don't want to do it any other way now. After being in that place, there is NO going back, whatsoever.

A revolution. And satan can't do anything in his meaningless power to stop it.

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