If you have been a lover in the world, you would scoff at this title. I myself have done it. I have heard it all around: Love never fails? Tell that to the man who last failed me. Tell that to my mother or my father who left me.
Here are some lyrics from a song I absolutely love. It so completely captures God's heart and His everlasting unfailing love.
Your love never fails
It never gives up
It never runs out on me
(Brian Johnson)
His love never fails...it never gives up...it never runs out. Even when we are faithless, He is faithful.
God is love. Love never fails. God will never fail you. EVER. "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5)
Here are some additional lyrics to the same song by Brian Johnson.
You are the life to my heart and my soul
You are the light to the darkness around me
I have such a problem when people place all of their devotion and love on one person and make them their entire life. Not such a problem, but I feel heartbreak, because it won't last. Even if they are married for 50 years, when one of them dies, they don't know what to do with their life.
I've said it before (Maybe not on here...I know I've said it to several people) but I will love God more than I love even my husband.(And I hope he will do the same) That doesn't mean I won't put any value on my husband...I will love him like crazy! I'm a passionate person. BUT...I refuse to put man in my God spot; He's not just #1, He is everything. And when I put my everything onto Jesus Christ, my heart will never be broken...because His love never fails.
I've seen so much heartache and heartbreak, simply because when a girl gets a new guy, they completely forget about God's love or they put so much into a relationship and then it falls apart. I hate it; it completely breaks my heart. He is the life to my heart and my soul. He gives it life, and He will never fail me.
<3 Rachel Mae
Monday, October 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Be passionate
I am a passionate person. Unfortunately, I don't always seem that way.
But I love...to love! Truly, who doesn't? It's in our very nature. We were made in the image of God, who IS love. I love being passionate for things that make such a difference and an impact on my life.
And I got to thinking...my life would be so incredibly empty if I was so wholly complacent and dispassionate. If I didn't have my love of a lifetime molding my heart every single day to make my heart beat in unison with His passions...I would be dead. I might be living this life, but I wouldn't be living.
How do people get to be without passion and a purpose in life? Even working at Kohls, though it isn't my dream job, I am working towards my passion...I'm actually in my passion. People. I love love LOVE people. And I'm loving them while I'm working at Kohls. My job is my passion. My family is my passion. My entire being moves with passion every single day, in response to a lovers call from my Jesus.
If you don't have a passion...Jesus is a good place to start. He will ignite you and make you feel like you're ALIVE. I just had an awesome conversation with my friend, Melissa, and during that conversation, (We both have the same passion for God, music, etc) God was just so totally getting us incredibly excited and happy for the future. This is what is is to be passionate. And even on your worst days, you have something to work towards.
BE PASSIONATE. It's in your DNA, it's something God put inside of you!
But I love...to love! Truly, who doesn't? It's in our very nature. We were made in the image of God, who IS love. I love being passionate for things that make such a difference and an impact on my life.
And I got to thinking...my life would be so incredibly empty if I was so wholly complacent and dispassionate. If I didn't have my love of a lifetime molding my heart every single day to make my heart beat in unison with His passions...I would be dead. I might be living this life, but I wouldn't be living.
How do people get to be without passion and a purpose in life? Even working at Kohls, though it isn't my dream job, I am working towards my passion...I'm actually in my passion. People. I love love LOVE people. And I'm loving them while I'm working at Kohls. My job is my passion. My family is my passion. My entire being moves with passion every single day, in response to a lovers call from my Jesus.
If you don't have a passion...Jesus is a good place to start. He will ignite you and make you feel like you're ALIVE. I just had an awesome conversation with my friend, Melissa, and during that conversation, (We both have the same passion for God, music, etc) God was just so totally getting us incredibly excited and happy for the future. This is what is is to be passionate. And even on your worst days, you have something to work towards.
BE PASSIONATE. It's in your DNA, it's something God put inside of you!
Monday, September 06, 2010
Outrageous Love
You know how, sometimes, you can't go to sleep at night and you have no idea why?
I don't have that problem. Well, at least the not knowing why part. I've learned very well that God is trying to show me something or speak to me about something. I don't even try to go to sleep. This blog may just be the ramblings of an insomniac to some, but to me, it's revelation. I have to write these things out in order to kinda make sense of things.
There's been a passion on my heart for...as long as I've gone to public school, at least, about proclaiming freedom for the captives. My heart absolutely breaks when I see people involved in situations that it seems like they cannot get out of. And we think "well, what can we do? We're powerless."Shut that door. We are NOT powerless. Luke 4:18: "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed."
He has anointed us. Okay, call me stupid, but I don't exactly think that we're powerless when the Lord Jesus Christ has anointed me to preach the good news and sent me to proclaim freedom!
Another word I love: Proclaim. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners. Not meekly ask satan for the keys to their shackles. Nah son, we go in there and take what is rightfully ours: FREEDOM.
Guys, this is what I'm called to do. Truthfully, it's what we're all called to do, whether we work at a grocery store, or walk down a street...we're proclaiming freedom for our cities, our states, our nation. There is so much power in words and when we say "Satan...you can't have my nation" he backs off.
Now. To switch things up a little...
On an opposite note, the church has been so obsessed with power, power, power. And we've been forgetting to love. That is one thing that satan cannot take ahold of. When we love, love, love like Jesus did when he was on this earth...that is one weapon that the enemy cannot stand. When we start truly loving and showing Christ's love to others...that is our ultimate weapon.
We were meant to live for so much more than this stereotyped brand of Christianity that people see as powerless and unloving. We were meant to live as sons and daughters of the most high and to love outrageously!
We were meant to live our lives more passionately than just getting up every morning just to pass the day by, one more day, with the mindset "I just wanna get to heaven. I'm sick of this earth." Jeez, way to be optimistic. No, I want to leave my mark on this earth! I don't want to go to heaven yet, because Jesus is not done with what he's doing in me on this earth! LIVE PASSIONATELY, every single day!
If we're not living life fully, outrageously loving, and passionately pursuing God, then...what are we doing?
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Jesus didn't come with an agenda.
He came with love.
He didn't come with an agenda to get saved.
he came with the knowledge that these people would be changed forever if they were healed of their pain, their scars, their physical barriers.
We, as Christians, have this ridiculous mindset that we HAVE to get this person saved TODAY.
Nah son. That's not the way it goes.
Just a seed is planted from a word...or healing.
Just plant the seed. Someone else will reap it.
Don't go out there with an agenda. Go out there full of love and joy and excitement. :)
He came with love.
He didn't come with an agenda to get saved.
he came with the knowledge that these people would be changed forever if they were healed of their pain, their scars, their physical barriers.
We, as Christians, have this ridiculous mindset that we HAVE to get this person saved TODAY.
Nah son. That's not the way it goes.
Just a seed is planted from a word...or healing.
Just plant the seed. Someone else will reap it.
Don't go out there with an agenda. Go out there full of love and joy and excitement. :)
Monday, August 02, 2010
I was sitting, watching a movie.
Restlessness came upon me. A desperate love for Jesus came over me. And I suddenly wasn't satisfied anymore with the funny comments and witty replies the characters were saying on the big screen TV. I became restless to experience more than a mundane life. And I by far do not live a mundane life.
You say "well, Sunday was just yesterday. You shouldn't be restless, you should be fulfilled." Well I'm not. And guess what? Worship isn't only for Sundays. Sundays worship was incredible, like I said. Why can't I experience that everyday? Why not? I want to.
Turning up the Kim Walker/Jesus Culture and I'm just going to worship him extravagantly, right here in my basement, with my nephew. I want to dance with my Jesus today, hold onto Him, and know His love for me is neverending.
The mundane, mediocre tasks I go through everyday will become extraordinary when I worship Him and rest in His presence.
Restlessness came upon me. A desperate love for Jesus came over me. And I suddenly wasn't satisfied anymore with the funny comments and witty replies the characters were saying on the big screen TV. I became restless to experience more than a mundane life. And I by far do not live a mundane life.
You say "well, Sunday was just yesterday. You shouldn't be restless, you should be fulfilled." Well I'm not. And guess what? Worship isn't only for Sundays. Sundays worship was incredible, like I said. Why can't I experience that everyday? Why not? I want to.
Turning up the Kim Walker/Jesus Culture and I'm just going to worship him extravagantly, right here in my basement, with my nephew. I want to dance with my Jesus today, hold onto Him, and know His love for me is neverending.
The mundane, mediocre tasks I go through everyday will become extraordinary when I worship Him and rest in His presence.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Normal worship
Worship was intense today. God totally came and wrecked me. It was incredible and everything just broke as I stood in the gap for Princeton to lift God high, to shine with His light and glory and give praise to Him in everything.
This is what I'm passionate about. For cities to proclaim Jesus Christ as the God of their city. For families to be mended, for depression to break, for suicides to cease to exist, for love to invade every dark part of this country, of this world, and chase the darkness away.
Worship can do so much. It is not just singing words and sounding pretty. We have the ability, through worship, to break depression, for families to be made whole again. When true worship from the heart comes, something is released in the Spirit that mends brokenness and creates new life. It opens hearts up to let God just plant His love inside and love on you.
You can worship and lift God high in everything you do, whether it's washing the dishes, or checking people out at Kohls, or extravagantly dancing and worshiping him wherever.
In everything we do, we worship him.
Be lifted High
Be lifted high
for your glory, be lifted high.
We will be the generation
Calling down the reign of heaven
We will join the anthem singing
Be lifted High
(Brian Johnson, "Be lifted high")
This is our destiny. The previous generations ceiling will be our floor.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I'm lying in bed at 5:30 A.M., wondering why I cannot sleep. I went to bed at 12:30...I think I should be tired. Usually when this happens, God has something planned. It's happened before and I kinda trust Him. :)
So I decide to read my Bible and I feel like I'm supposed to read about David. I decided I'm going to read Psalms. (Despite my being a PK, I'm AWFUL at knowing where stuff is that include certain people...so I always turn to Psalms.) Well, I open my Bible, and there's 1 Chronicles 27. Has anyone read Chronicles? When I've read it before, I was bored outta my mind. But for some reason I decided to read it. Yeah. It's a list of the officers of Davids army and who did what for Davids kingdom. That got me fascinated. I mean, I know there's a lot in the Bible about David, but this made me smile. So I read further. I read into Chapter 28---I was actually fascinated by 1 Chronicles...that never happens. ;-)
I don't know why, but this passage just struck my heart. Leading up to it, David is talking to all of his officials and officers in his kingdom. He's saying how, despite him spilling blood and not being able to build a house for God (for the ark of the covenant), God chose his family to rule over all of Israel forever. From the house of Judah, he chose Davids family, and from his fathers son, God chose David. And from Davids sons, God has chosen Solomon to sit on throne of the kingdom of the Lord over Israel.
Mmkay. Here are the verses that just...I dunno...it just made sense to me.
"Solomon your son is the one who will build my house and my courts for I have chosen him to be my son and I will be his father. I will establish his kingdom forever if he is unswerving in carrying out my commands and laws, as is being done at this time.
So now I charge you in the sight of all Israel and in the assembly of the Lord, and in the hearing of our God: Be careful to follow all the commands of the Lord your God, that you may possess this good land and pass it on as an inheritance to your descendants forever.
And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart, and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you."
(1 Chronicles 28: 6-9)
If you got lost during that, please read it again. Especially the italicized and bolded. I have no idea why this just struck my heart.
Maybe it's because I feel like it's a promise from God for my family. For my siblings. My dad is a godly man. He taught us six kids so much about God. And...Jesus is the God of my father, yes. I feel like God is saying that he's going to become so much more real to my siblings and become their God instead of our fathers God. My siblings, I love them to death. They know about God's love...about God's intimacy with His children...they've been taught their entire lives. I feel like God is going to make it more real to them than ever before and grab ahold of them. They just need to seek him.
I love little nuggets of truth and awesomeness to be found in places you didn't expect. I definitely did not expect to be inspired..and given hope from 1 Chronicles.
The next step is praying this forth. Praying that my family does grab ahold of Jesus and never lets go. That we will serve him will wholehearted devotion and a willing mind. Not just a willing mind. A mind and heart that longs to serve Him, that is lovesick when we're not in His presence. And that we will never have to become lovesick, because we never leave his presence. God has a destiny for my family, and it is GREAT. And wonderful. and perfect. And according to His purpose.
God, encounter my family. Give them encounters with you.
Encounter this generation
Encounter this country!
So I decide to read my Bible and I feel like I'm supposed to read about David. I decided I'm going to read Psalms. (Despite my being a PK, I'm AWFUL at knowing where stuff is that include certain people...so I always turn to Psalms.) Well, I open my Bible, and there's 1 Chronicles 27. Has anyone read Chronicles? When I've read it before, I was bored outta my mind. But for some reason I decided to read it. Yeah. It's a list of the officers of Davids army and who did what for Davids kingdom. That got me fascinated. I mean, I know there's a lot in the Bible about David, but this made me smile. So I read further. I read into Chapter 28---I was actually fascinated by 1 Chronicles...that never happens. ;-)
I don't know why, but this passage just struck my heart. Leading up to it, David is talking to all of his officials and officers in his kingdom. He's saying how, despite him spilling blood and not being able to build a house for God (for the ark of the covenant), God chose his family to rule over all of Israel forever. From the house of Judah, he chose Davids family, and from his fathers son, God chose David. And from Davids sons, God has chosen Solomon to sit on throne of the kingdom of the Lord over Israel.
Mmkay. Here are the verses that just...I dunno...it just made sense to me.
"Solomon your son is the one who will build my house and my courts for I have chosen him to be my son and I will be his father. I will establish his kingdom forever if he is unswerving in carrying out my commands and laws, as is being done at this time.
So now I charge you in the sight of all Israel and in the assembly of the Lord, and in the hearing of our God: Be careful to follow all the commands of the Lord your God, that you may possess this good land and pass it on as an inheritance to your descendants forever.
And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart, and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you."
(1 Chronicles 28: 6-9)
If you got lost during that, please read it again. Especially the italicized and bolded. I have no idea why this just struck my heart.
Maybe it's because I feel like it's a promise from God for my family. For my siblings. My dad is a godly man. He taught us six kids so much about God. And...Jesus is the God of my father, yes. I feel like God is saying that he's going to become so much more real to my siblings and become their God instead of our fathers God. My siblings, I love them to death. They know about God's love...about God's intimacy with His children...they've been taught their entire lives. I feel like God is going to make it more real to them than ever before and grab ahold of them. They just need to seek him.
I love little nuggets of truth and awesomeness to be found in places you didn't expect. I definitely did not expect to be inspired..and given hope from 1 Chronicles.
The next step is praying this forth. Praying that my family does grab ahold of Jesus and never lets go. That we will serve him will wholehearted devotion and a willing mind. Not just a willing mind. A mind and heart that longs to serve Him, that is lovesick when we're not in His presence. And that we will never have to become lovesick, because we never leave his presence. God has a destiny for my family, and it is GREAT. And wonderful. and perfect. And according to His purpose.
God, encounter my family. Give them encounters with you.
Encounter this generation
Encounter this country!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Love Offensively.
Love offensively.
Best advice I have ever been told.
What does it even mean?
I'm going to find out.
Down to the very core.
I'm going to find out.
and then I'm going to live it.
Love offensively.
Don't stay away from the prostitutes and drug dealers until they come to you. Go to them. And love them. With Christ's love.
Love offensively.
don't stay in your little bubble and think the world is going to rush at you, asking you to love them.
Take the initiative.
Love offensively.
Best advice I have ever been told.
What does it even mean?
I'm going to find out.
Down to the very core.
I'm going to find out.
and then I'm going to live it.
Love offensively.
Don't stay away from the prostitutes and drug dealers until they come to you. Go to them. And love them. With Christ's love.
Love offensively.
don't stay in your little bubble and think the world is going to rush at you, asking you to love them.
Take the initiative.
Love offensively.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
I miss
I miss the old days. I miss New York City. I miss traveling. I miss days when your friends would have stayed your friends, no matter what. I miss movies that show the innocence of life. I miss Grand Central Station and two story McDonalds in New York. I miss old school Christmas plays. I miss going to Duluth with my whole family, just for a day. I miss Superchurch camp.
I'm loving these days. I love the new renewal that God is bringing and that I'm a part of it. I love the new friends I have. I love the long talks I have with them. I love these movies like "Finger of God" that show His complete and absolute love for people. I love that I'm going to California and I love that we're going to change the world. I love that God is changing my family into the people they are meant to be...the people that are going to fulfill their destiny. I love going on ministry trips. I LOVE being a couselor at Youth Alive Camp.
Remember the old days. Don't long for them. Stop dreaming about yesterday and start doing things for today. Don't live in the past. It's not worth it. LEARN from the past. Don't dwell on it. Make plans for the future. Live in the present. Live every day with the fullest of passion.
Make a difference.
I'm loving these days. I love the new renewal that God is bringing and that I'm a part of it. I love the new friends I have. I love the long talks I have with them. I love these movies like "Finger of God" that show His complete and absolute love for people. I love that I'm going to California and I love that we're going to change the world. I love that God is changing my family into the people they are meant to be...the people that are going to fulfill their destiny. I love going on ministry trips. I LOVE being a couselor at Youth Alive Camp.
Remember the old days. Don't long for them. Stop dreaming about yesterday and start doing things for today. Don't live in the past. It's not worth it. LEARN from the past. Don't dwell on it. Make plans for the future. Live in the present. Live every day with the fullest of passion.
Make a difference.
Monday, July 05, 2010
Some random things and some thought out things. First the random.
1. Josh Groban. Rediscovered his music and still absolutely adore it. That man can do no wrong with his velvet soft voice. ;) Ok so only one random thing.
Ok. I realized today, as much of a realist (sort of) as I am, I'm such a romantic too.Hopeless romantic. Old school romantic. Not the kind who sees these stupid new movies and goes "ooo that's so sweet that they had sex, they're sooo in love!"
Nah son. I'm the kind of hopeless romantic where I sigh and stare at that couple that came into Kohls today. about 80 years old. And as they were going out the door, he offered her his arm and they walked out together. I couldn't help but just smile. That kind of adoration and love and commitment. I love it. I see it in so many amazing couples I know.
I'm the kind of hopeless romantic that reads army love stories (Good ones) and loves it when they admit they wanna do stuff, but they love each other enough to wait until they're married. I adore that kind of love.
I'm the kind of hopeless romantic that loves watching Pride and Prejudice, Anne of Green Gables, and Sound of Music. 27 Dresses is funny, but puh lease, it's not that romantic.
Anyway. Yes. I scoff at silly girls who giggle and gaggle and blaaaah blah blah. But I love watching older couples and learning from their lives and love. This isn't coming out the way I want it to. Oh well. I did my best. :)
1. Josh Groban. Rediscovered his music and still absolutely adore it. That man can do no wrong with his velvet soft voice. ;) Ok so only one random thing.
Ok. I realized today, as much of a realist (sort of) as I am, I'm such a romantic too.Hopeless romantic. Old school romantic. Not the kind who sees these stupid new movies and goes "ooo that's so sweet that they had sex, they're sooo in love!"
Nah son. I'm the kind of hopeless romantic where I sigh and stare at that couple that came into Kohls today. about 80 years old. And as they were going out the door, he offered her his arm and they walked out together. I couldn't help but just smile. That kind of adoration and love and commitment. I love it. I see it in so many amazing couples I know.
I'm the kind of hopeless romantic that reads army love stories (Good ones) and loves it when they admit they wanna do stuff, but they love each other enough to wait until they're married. I adore that kind of love.
I'm the kind of hopeless romantic that loves watching Pride and Prejudice, Anne of Green Gables, and Sound of Music. 27 Dresses is funny, but puh lease, it's not that romantic.
Anyway. Yes. I scoff at silly girls who giggle and gaggle and blaaaah blah blah. But I love watching older couples and learning from their lives and love. This isn't coming out the way I want it to. Oh well. I did my best. :)
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Offense, not defense
I had the most vivid dream last night. In this dream, I felt like my heart was God's, breaking and tearing and shattering at the sight of his children hurting. I felt His pain. It was heartbreaking and life changing and it just makes me more determined to start my ministry.
I was driving into what was a new school for me (I later recognized it as my old school, Princeton) As I was driving, I saw these two girls walking along the sidewalk, blank stares on their faces and they were cutting themselves with razors as they walked along. It looked as though they weren't in any pain...as though they were in bondage and they were so used to it that it didn't hurt anymore.
I stopped my car and ran to them, screaming for them to stop. My heart was breaking and tears were flowing down my face. I ripped the razors away from them and as I did that, the blank stare left their face and they looked at me in surprise. I told them that Jesus adores them, loves them so much, why are they doing this? It is a bit unclear what I did with the razors, I think I threw them away. They walked away from me, staring at the blood and scars on their arms, and in pain, wondering why they were doing that.
That was the most vivid part of my dream. And it impacted me like no other. I got a couple of things out of that, but the main one is this: we, as Christians aren't supposed to be playing defense. We're supposed to be playing offense. We need to rush at the enemy and take back what he has stolen. Now is not the time to barricade ourselves in and wait for the inevitable. The victory at the cross is already won and now we need to win back this generation with His LOVE. Fancy words aren't going to catch their attention. We need to show them His true adoration for them.
Another thing was, after taking away their razors, they were living. No more blank stares and numbness. They were in pain, yes, but they were ALIVE. Those wounds were going to heal and they were going to go on and become testimonies to God's absolute love and power.
Vivid dreams...they get your attention. Tell them to people, get their attention. But do it in LOVE. Just words...they're nothing. Faith and action baby. Let's take this world and turn it upside down.
I was driving into what was a new school for me (I later recognized it as my old school, Princeton) As I was driving, I saw these two girls walking along the sidewalk, blank stares on their faces and they were cutting themselves with razors as they walked along. It looked as though they weren't in any pain...as though they were in bondage and they were so used to it that it didn't hurt anymore.
I stopped my car and ran to them, screaming for them to stop. My heart was breaking and tears were flowing down my face. I ripped the razors away from them and as I did that, the blank stare left their face and they looked at me in surprise. I told them that Jesus adores them, loves them so much, why are they doing this? It is a bit unclear what I did with the razors, I think I threw them away. They walked away from me, staring at the blood and scars on their arms, and in pain, wondering why they were doing that.
That was the most vivid part of my dream. And it impacted me like no other. I got a couple of things out of that, but the main one is this: we, as Christians aren't supposed to be playing defense. We're supposed to be playing offense. We need to rush at the enemy and take back what he has stolen. Now is not the time to barricade ourselves in and wait for the inevitable. The victory at the cross is already won and now we need to win back this generation with His LOVE. Fancy words aren't going to catch their attention. We need to show them His true adoration for them.
Another thing was, after taking away their razors, they were living. No more blank stares and numbness. They were in pain, yes, but they were ALIVE. Those wounds were going to heal and they were going to go on and become testimonies to God's absolute love and power.
Vivid dreams...they get your attention. Tell them to people, get their attention. But do it in LOVE. Just words...they're nothing. Faith and action baby. Let's take this world and turn it upside down.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Hope, Trust, Rest.
"I've been keeping my hopes unbroken." Best line of the song by Switchfoot.
Sometimes, I get my hopes up so high and then they fall, crashing down again.
And I strive so hard to be hopeful.
When all God is saying is "Rest in Me. Keep your hopes in ME." Because when we put our hope in God, then it will be unbroken. And we can just Rest. And believe that God isn't going to break our hearts.
That's all. Off to write another blog that doesn't quite fit into this one:)
Sometimes, I get my hopes up so high and then they fall, crashing down again.
And I strive so hard to be hopeful.
When all God is saying is "Rest in Me. Keep your hopes in ME." Because when we put our hope in God, then it will be unbroken. And we can just Rest. And believe that God isn't going to break our hearts.
That's all. Off to write another blog that doesn't quite fit into this one:)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Ever increasing glory...I'll take some of that!
Okay, I love Psalms cause it's poetic, melodic, prettyful. But I LOOOOVE 2 Corinthians 4:13 cause it's baller truth! Not like the rest of the Bible isn't, but I love these verses...
"...Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness with EVER INCREASING GLORY..."
Um. Yes please. I want a lot of that ever increasing glory to shine through me. Puh leeease Jesus?!
(Honestly, it's not like we have to beg Him. He'll gladly give it to us.)
I'm chasing after His glory. I'm chasing after being transformed into His likeness. I want my unveiled--no pretense, no shame--face to reflect His glory! I mean, can you imagine what it would be like on earth if all of the Christians allowed their pretenses to fall away and not be afraid to reflect His glory?! Countries would be transformed! Broken families put back together! AIDS HEALED! Cancer, Gone! Wheelchairs useless, because the lame would begin to walk!
See, when people fall into His presence, into His glory, they are transformed...
When people pass by us on the streets, and we're walking with unveiled faces to reflect His glory (Which means His presence is nearby...like. Bam. Right thur), they'll get healed, because of His presence, His ever increasing glory!
I love that phrase. "Ever increasing glory" Never going down. Always overflowing. Mmm hmm. I'll take some of that, please.
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM." Isn't that what people are searching for? A way out of their bondage? Well, honey, where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. There is a way out of your bondage and it's in the presence of His spirit. Freedom. Ahhh.
This is me rambling as these thoughts are coming into my head. I'll probably edit this. haha
"...Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness with EVER INCREASING GLORY..."
Um. Yes please. I want a lot of that ever increasing glory to shine through me. Puh leeease Jesus?!
(Honestly, it's not like we have to beg Him. He'll gladly give it to us.)
I'm chasing after His glory. I'm chasing after being transformed into His likeness. I want my unveiled--no pretense, no shame--face to reflect His glory! I mean, can you imagine what it would be like on earth if all of the Christians allowed their pretenses to fall away and not be afraid to reflect His glory?! Countries would be transformed! Broken families put back together! AIDS HEALED! Cancer, Gone! Wheelchairs useless, because the lame would begin to walk!
See, when people fall into His presence, into His glory, they are transformed...
When people pass by us on the streets, and we're walking with unveiled faces to reflect His glory (Which means His presence is nearby...like. Bam. Right thur), they'll get healed, because of His presence, His ever increasing glory!
I love that phrase. "Ever increasing glory" Never going down. Always overflowing. Mmm hmm. I'll take some of that, please.
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM." Isn't that what people are searching for? A way out of their bondage? Well, honey, where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. There is a way out of your bondage and it's in the presence of His spirit. Freedom. Ahhh.
This is me rambling as these thoughts are coming into my head. I'll probably edit this. haha
Thursday, May 13, 2010
To be brutally honest...
There is no underlying "Subject" or "intent" to this. What I write is what I mean. This is probably most likely going to be hard for me to write and I wouldn't write it to get to another point.
I am sick of girls who play games. Play games with guys' hearts. Play games and act innocent. I am sick of girls who want every guy to like them, and lead them on, and then break their hearts, in search of the "perfect guy".
Some of us...maybe me...do it and don't know it. Some of us try to look for the perfect guy and end up handling it badly when we break the unperfect guys heart. Because all we want is prince charming.
Newsflash honey.
There is no Mr. Perfect.
There is no Prince Charming
You can bypass one of the people that was meant for you...
and you'll still be happy with another.
It happens.
Some people might say this is a cynical post.
I'm just sick of seeing guys being led on by girls gone bad acting innocent.
by girls who pretend to be SOOOO in love with Jesus
But really only care about themselves and their happiness.
I honestly was and maybe still am (Working on it) the one that leads guys on and doesn't know it.
Please. If you're my friend, call me out on it. If you're my enemy, call me out on it.
This blog had two purposes. To say that no guy is perfect. There are awesome guys out there, but not one of them will be perfect. They will still have their flaws.
And to say that if you're a girl after God's own heart, be careful. I understand that we can be nice and people will read into it. But be careful. don't let a guys heart get broken because you want every guy to like you. Please. I say this on behalf of my very best guy friends and actually on behalf of every guy out there, whether they're players or not.
Guys, I ask the same of you. Be careful with our hearts. They get involved way easier than yours.
Thank you:)
I am sick of girls who play games. Play games with guys' hearts. Play games and act innocent. I am sick of girls who want every guy to like them, and lead them on, and then break their hearts, in search of the "perfect guy".
Some of us...maybe me...do it and don't know it. Some of us try to look for the perfect guy and end up handling it badly when we break the unperfect guys heart. Because all we want is prince charming.
Newsflash honey.
There is no Mr. Perfect.
There is no Prince Charming
You can bypass one of the people that was meant for you...
and you'll still be happy with another.
It happens.
Some people might say this is a cynical post.
I'm just sick of seeing guys being led on by girls gone bad acting innocent.
by girls who pretend to be SOOOO in love with Jesus
But really only care about themselves and their happiness.
I honestly was and maybe still am (Working on it) the one that leads guys on and doesn't know it.
Please. If you're my friend, call me out on it. If you're my enemy, call me out on it.
This blog had two purposes. To say that no guy is perfect. There are awesome guys out there, but not one of them will be perfect. They will still have their flaws.
And to say that if you're a girl after God's own heart, be careful. I understand that we can be nice and people will read into it. But be careful. don't let a guys heart get broken because you want every guy to like you. Please. I say this on behalf of my very best guy friends and actually on behalf of every guy out there, whether they're players or not.
Guys, I ask the same of you. Be careful with our hearts. They get involved way easier than yours.
Thank you:)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Healing of the heart.
It is incredible how much healing can come from music. I was writing a short story for my class and God just took it another way...it went from being about bitterness and justice to forgiveness and mercy and hope. Then "reflections" by Coty Sloan came on and I just rested...rested in His presence.
I started writing out a prophetic word. It seriously just flowed. It was awesome. With it came healing of my heart. There was so much CRAP in there. And this music just completely soothed...
Anyway. Good stuff. Go check Coty Sloan out on myspace...such great music.
I started writing out a prophetic word. It seriously just flowed. It was awesome. With it came healing of my heart. There was so much CRAP in there. And this music just completely soothed...
Anyway. Good stuff. Go check Coty Sloan out on myspace...such great music.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
A friend of mine posted something and it got me thinking...
"A relationship with the perfect woman can't compare to my relationship with God."
(That may be paraphrased, ha.)
So true. When we're in a relationship, we go on gung ho and "ooo so in love blah blah blah BLAH".
My relationship with God should be uncomparable to any love we've ever known. Has it been? Sure. Do I know this? Yeah. Do I live it?
Oooo catch there. See I try to live it, and then I just get caught up in...life. I try to pay attention to God and then a guy or something comes along and distracts me.
I have NO idea where I'm going with this. Just a thought. Thanks, friend, for posting that!:)
"A relationship with the perfect woman can't compare to my relationship with God."
(That may be paraphrased, ha.)
So true. When we're in a relationship, we go on gung ho and "ooo so in love blah blah blah BLAH".
My relationship with God should be uncomparable to any love we've ever known. Has it been? Sure. Do I know this? Yeah. Do I live it?
Oooo catch there. See I try to live it, and then I just get caught up in...life. I try to pay attention to God and then a guy or something comes along and distracts me.
I have NO idea where I'm going with this. Just a thought. Thanks, friend, for posting that!:)
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Regrets and Hopes
I wish just once I had gone to prom.
I wish just once I could have given up money
In order to hang with my friends
That I probably will rarely see soon
I wish just once
That I had stopped being so closeminded
and seen the handwriting on the wall
Instead of what I wanted to see
I wish just once I could have stopped judging
and started loving
I wish just once
That I could have stopped my insecurities
And left that person a note that said
"God loves you"
not caring if it sounded cheesy or was "Religious"
But it was the truth
Before they died.
I wish just once
That I could have stayed better friends
with that one person
Who brought me out of my shell
I wish just once
That I could have slowed down
And enjoyed my life
In every season
I hope in the future
That I have the courage
and bravery
To love and to allow myself to be loved.
I hope in the future
I'll have the guts to say
"Hey. I don't like you. Back off"
I hope in the future
not too soon off
I can finally accept that I did the best I could
And to let go of my regrets
I hope in the future
That I can finally
Let go of my burden
And cry my eyes out
And allow my heart to be healed
of the crap I've let inside
I hope someday
in the future
I can look my best friends in the eyes
and say
"I love you
but quit what you're doing
because it's ruining your life"
I hope someday in the future
I can look my husband in the eyes
and see
And feel
True love
The icky, mushy, kind
that still has problems
But we work over it.
I hope someday in the future
I can teach my generation
to love
How I learned to love
From my parents
from my siblings
from my teachers
From my Jesus.
I have a lot of regrets, some serious, some not.
But I have bigger hopes. I will lift my eyes to the Maker of the mountains I can't climb. I feel hope. These raging seas can't drown me. I won't let them drown me. And while I feel like I might drown in my tears tonight, for whatever reason I cannot fathom, tomorrow will be a new day
And sunny
and brimming over with hope
And faith.
I wish just once I could have given up money
In order to hang with my friends
That I probably will rarely see soon
I wish just once
That I had stopped being so closeminded
and seen the handwriting on the wall
Instead of what I wanted to see
I wish just once I could have stopped judging
and started loving
I wish just once
That I could have stopped my insecurities
And left that person a note that said
"God loves you"
not caring if it sounded cheesy or was "Religious"
But it was the truth
Before they died.
I wish just once
That I could have stayed better friends
with that one person
Who brought me out of my shell
I wish just once
That I could have slowed down
And enjoyed my life
In every season
I hope in the future
That I have the courage
and bravery
To love and to allow myself to be loved.
I hope in the future
I'll have the guts to say
"Hey. I don't like you. Back off"
I hope in the future
not too soon off
I can finally accept that I did the best I could
And to let go of my regrets
I hope in the future
That I can finally
Let go of my burden
And cry my eyes out
And allow my heart to be healed
of the crap I've let inside
I hope someday
in the future
I can look my best friends in the eyes
and say
"I love you
but quit what you're doing
because it's ruining your life"
I hope someday in the future
I can look my husband in the eyes
and see
And feel
True love
The icky, mushy, kind
that still has problems
But we work over it.
I hope someday in the future
I can teach my generation
to love
How I learned to love
From my parents
from my siblings
from my teachers
From my Jesus.
I have a lot of regrets, some serious, some not.
But I have bigger hopes. I will lift my eyes to the Maker of the mountains I can't climb. I feel hope. These raging seas can't drown me. I won't let them drown me. And while I feel like I might drown in my tears tonight, for whatever reason I cannot fathom, tomorrow will be a new day
And sunny
and brimming over with hope
And faith.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Let it rain down, this glory so bright.
Ezekiel. That lucky man. His visions and him seeing the glory of God.
I'm utterly amazed and I totally understand how he fell facedown and couldn't speak for 7 days. I don't think I could speak for a month.
Just to see a glimpse of the glory of God...
Well, we see it everyday and yet we're oblivious.
True, not the unveiled, manifest glory of God that shone on Moses' face.
But in the way babies come
And in the way the whole earth works.
The HEAVENS declare His glory! I can't wrap my mind around Jesus knowing every single star in the sky. If I tried, I'm pretty sure my head would burst. My head and my heart.
How can I not love this God who is perfect and beautiful in every way?
Beautiful in His jealousy, beautiful in His love. Beautiful in His mercy and in His justice. So incredibly beautiful in the way He wraps us in His arms and whispers in our ears that He loves us, and we are beautiful and He will never leave us.
How can I not fall down every single day on my face when I'm in His presence?
I want more of His presence. More than before. and I'm going to keep wanting more; and He has more to give.
I'm utterly amazed and I totally understand how he fell facedown and couldn't speak for 7 days. I don't think I could speak for a month.
Just to see a glimpse of the glory of God...
Well, we see it everyday and yet we're oblivious.
True, not the unveiled, manifest glory of God that shone on Moses' face.
But in the way babies come
And in the way the whole earth works.
The HEAVENS declare His glory! I can't wrap my mind around Jesus knowing every single star in the sky. If I tried, I'm pretty sure my head would burst. My head and my heart.
How can I not love this God who is perfect and beautiful in every way?
Beautiful in His jealousy, beautiful in His love. Beautiful in His mercy and in His justice. So incredibly beautiful in the way He wraps us in His arms and whispers in our ears that He loves us, and we are beautiful and He will never leave us.
How can I not fall down every single day on my face when I'm in His presence?
I want more of His presence. More than before. and I'm going to keep wanting more; and He has more to give.
I want to come before Jesus, unveiled, my heart stretched towards Him, only to see a glimpse, a mere glimpse of His face. I just want to see your face, to touch the hem of your garment. I want more than I've ever had before of your presence, your glory!
I want Your glory to shine on my face, so that everyone can see that You are alive and they give You praise. I want to see You glorified.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Pride, be broken.
Driving along in my Monte Carlo
Coming home from school
I was listening to Jesus Culture
The song "Oh Lord, you're beautiful"
Have you ever truly listened to the lyrics?
"I want to take Your Word and shine it all around
But first help me just to live it, Lord
And when I'm doing well, help me to never seek the crown
For my reward is giving glory to You"
I can't mention the number of times I've seeked the crown
Of pride that I'm doing better than someone else
That I'm somehow "Holier" than others
When my sins are just as bad
Just not as evident as some peoples
This song broke me. Have I truly been giving glory to God
and that's a good enough reward?
Or have I just been giving Him lip service
and been expecting so much more than giving the glory to God?
I don't want to go through my life giving lip service.
The emptiness of that...terrifies me.
I want to give glory to God...
I want every action to glorify Him...
"Oh Lord, please light the fire
That once burned bright and clear
Replace the lamp of my first love
That burns with holy fear"
I want my first love to get the glory He deserves.
I'm human.
I'm not perfect.
I make mistakes.
Please, call me out on it.
Because I want to be
like my Jesus.
Coming home from school
I was listening to Jesus Culture
The song "Oh Lord, you're beautiful"
Have you ever truly listened to the lyrics?
"I want to take Your Word and shine it all around
But first help me just to live it, Lord
And when I'm doing well, help me to never seek the crown
For my reward is giving glory to You"
I can't mention the number of times I've seeked the crown
Of pride that I'm doing better than someone else
That I'm somehow "Holier" than others
When my sins are just as bad
Just not as evident as some peoples
This song broke me. Have I truly been giving glory to God
and that's a good enough reward?
Or have I just been giving Him lip service
and been expecting so much more than giving the glory to God?
I don't want to go through my life giving lip service.
The emptiness of that...terrifies me.
I want to give glory to God...
I want every action to glorify Him...
"Oh Lord, please light the fire
That once burned bright and clear
Replace the lamp of my first love
That burns with holy fear"
I want my first love to get the glory He deserves.
I'm human.
I'm not perfect.
I make mistakes.
Please, call me out on it.
Because I want to be
like my Jesus.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Start a Holy Fire!
People say America is going down in flames.
Are we going to accept that like meek little lambs, praying to a God that we think wants to see our demise? Praying “Oh God, prepare us for our destruction. Please don’t let it hurt too much.”
I'm so sick of people saying "You're young. You can't do anything." Baby, we are the revolution. We are world changers. I refuse to let people who want us to fail tell us how we can't change the world.
You say America is going down in flames?
Nah, it's going up in flames.
In parts around the country, we are seeing God working, we are seeing revival!! America is being consumed by holy fire!
You say America is going down in flames?
You gonna accept that?
As I recall, Abraham changed God's mind.
Why can't we?
Moses changed God's mind.
Why can't we?
I refuse to accept that we are mindless little robots that are servants for a God who doesn't care.
He created us to be world changers!
Yes, God is powerful. But he needs our help. Please...please stop sitting on your butts and do something. I am soo guilty of not doing anything. All talk. I'm sick of it.
And I'm not satisfied with it either.
I refuse to accept that we’re just supposed to get through each day, that we’re only alive to make ourselves happy.
For we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.
We are supposed to pour this love out on others.
“For love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.” (Song of Songs 8:6)
When we show this and lavish this love on others, they can’t help but be consumed by a holy fire; by an ever loving, adoring God.
We were created for such a time as this.
We were created to be here, in America, at this moment in time.
For something so much bigger than us.
So much bigger than our selfish “The world needs to please me” attitude.
If you are in the middle of a job transition, or just working a job you think is pointless and you don’t know what you want to do with your life…just start up a revolution. All it takes is a little love, a little us, and God.
We were created to start a revolution, a revival, a holy fire that is going to make the biggest war look like child’s play; except that people are going to be absolutely transformed by His love, not dying from hatred.
And the fight isn’t against a country, the world. It’s against principalities and the kingdom of darkness.
We’s gonna kill satan with looove. :-D
Monday, March 01, 2010
The Great Romance...
One of my favorite series of books is the Circle Triology by Ted Dekker. In one part of the books, the little boy is like Jesus and he takes his followers swimming in this lake. The electricity...the love, joy, peace, they experience while in that lake is like basking in God's love for us. It is so ELECTRIC. All of their sins fall away and they want nothing more than to love Jesus and feel his love. (Read those books...Black, Red, and White are the names of the three in the series).
Our relationship with Jesus is just that...a great romance. Yes, he is a King and powerful. But he also has a side that is so incredibly in love with you...you are his princess/prince. "His love like a hurricane, I am a tree." That's how His love for us is. In His presence, it's like getting wrecked, in an awesome way, by a hurricane. It makes you faint with love for Him. Everything else in this world fades away while experiencing his love. It is...dancing with your lover, walking barefoot along the beach, stargazing and wondering at the majesty of Him.
My favorite book of the Bible is Song of Songs because it so erotic yet pure. So pure. Jesus' love for us is SO CRAZY INSANE!!! Yet so pure at the same time. All of the blackness, the depression leaves when his love comes into play.
Let Him romance you. Let him dance with you. Let Him whisper his words of love into your ear and tell you that you are precious...you are beautiful...let religion go, and let the Spirit come. Let Him destroy all other lovers that keep you bound and chained up in depression and sin.
Just let Him in. Let Him romance you. He will never break your heart, or make you cry (Only in a good way!) or rip your heart to a million pieces. He will never cheat on you. He only gives good.
Let Him romance you.
Our relationship with Jesus is just that...a great romance. Yes, he is a King and powerful. But he also has a side that is so incredibly in love with you...you are his princess/prince. "His love like a hurricane, I am a tree." That's how His love for us is. In His presence, it's like getting wrecked, in an awesome way, by a hurricane. It makes you faint with love for Him. Everything else in this world fades away while experiencing his love. It is...dancing with your lover, walking barefoot along the beach, stargazing and wondering at the majesty of Him.
My favorite book of the Bible is Song of Songs because it so erotic yet pure. So pure. Jesus' love for us is SO CRAZY INSANE!!! Yet so pure at the same time. All of the blackness, the depression leaves when his love comes into play.
Let Him romance you. Let him dance with you. Let Him whisper his words of love into your ear and tell you that you are precious...you are beautiful...let religion go, and let the Spirit come. Let Him destroy all other lovers that keep you bound and chained up in depression and sin.
Just let Him in. Let Him romance you. He will never break your heart, or make you cry (Only in a good way!) or rip your heart to a million pieces. He will never cheat on you. He only gives good.
Let Him romance you.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Depression, please cut to the chase and cut a long story short...
I was looking at pictures of when I was very little...you know, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-10. I was so so so happy. Smiling in every picture. Enjoying life.
Then I see my teenage years. probably 11-15. I can just feel the darkness pressing down on my again. I was so depressed during those years, it was unbelievable. I didn't like to smile. I was fake. I dressed in baggy jeans and huge shirts, because I was ashamed of my body. Don't ask why I was depressed, because I have no idea. Satan was totally trying to get me down, so depressed that I would be suicidal. I don't remember having any suicidal thoughts, but I thought it would be so much easier if I was a boy. Boys didn't like me. I thought I was ugly, and looking back, I was...on the outside, I made myself look ugly so I wouldn't have to face rejection. On the inside, even more so. Maybe I wanted people to feel sorry for me. I don't know.
All I know is that I am so grateful that I was redeemed. Completely. 100%.
♥Love you guys.
Off to worship at muh church.:)
Then I see my teenage years. probably 11-15. I can just feel the darkness pressing down on my again. I was so depressed during those years, it was unbelievable. I didn't like to smile. I was fake. I dressed in baggy jeans and huge shirts, because I was ashamed of my body. Don't ask why I was depressed, because I have no idea. Satan was totally trying to get me down, so depressed that I would be suicidal. I don't remember having any suicidal thoughts, but I thought it would be so much easier if I was a boy. Boys didn't like me. I thought I was ugly, and looking back, I was...on the outside, I made myself look ugly so I wouldn't have to face rejection. On the inside, even more so. Maybe I wanted people to feel sorry for me. I don't know.
All I know is that I am so grateful that I was redeemed. Completely. 100%.
♥Love you guys.
Off to worship at muh church.:)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Giving and receiving♥
I think...that I like giving better than receiving. Because in the process, I receive so much.
What is this crazy lady talking about? Well, I will tell you, si, mi amores? (I'm in a goofy mood tonight. Forgive me?)
Tonight at youth group was unremarkable until we got to the fire tunnel. Since I'm one of the leaders, we started it. The kids started going through until BAM. Word of knowledge/prophetic word. Cool right? Why am I so happy about this?
I'm finally allowing God to speak through me to other people. I know it's not about the numbers one little bit, but almost everyone who went through the tunnel, I got a prophetic word for. I love doing this. Because when you allow God to work through you, babycakes, you receive SO much more than you give.
I love watching God work through kids lives. It is amazing to see and I cannot wait to see where God is going to bring our youth group. 1 Peter 2:9. I know He has something big, a revolution planned. and ohh man, am I ready for it!:)
G'night. I'm heading to bed, dying my hair red tomorrow, and heading to my brothers concert. I think it shall be a great day.
What is this crazy lady talking about? Well, I will tell you, si, mi amores? (I'm in a goofy mood tonight. Forgive me?)
Tonight at youth group was unremarkable until we got to the fire tunnel. Since I'm one of the leaders, we started it. The kids started going through until BAM. Word of knowledge/prophetic word. Cool right? Why am I so happy about this?
I'm finally allowing God to speak through me to other people. I know it's not about the numbers one little bit, but almost everyone who went through the tunnel, I got a prophetic word for. I love doing this. Because when you allow God to work through you, babycakes, you receive SO much more than you give.
I love watching God work through kids lives. It is amazing to see and I cannot wait to see where God is going to bring our youth group. 1 Peter 2:9. I know He has something big, a revolution planned. and ohh man, am I ready for it!:)
G'night. I'm heading to bed, dying my hair red tomorrow, and heading to my brothers concert. I think it shall be a great day.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Yell, scream, cry...laugh
Tonight before school started, I wanted to shake my head, pound my fists against a wall, and scream at something, preferably God. I wanted to yell "Why God?!" I seriously needed a punching bag tonight. All throughout class, I was praying and barely paying attention to layers in my Digital Darkroom class. I was asking God to take away the pain that I so easily let into my heart. My heart was physically hurting tonight. I didn't know I could care so much...
My point is...it's okay to yell at God. Guaranteed he's not to blame for your problems, but it's okay to yell, scream at God. He can take it. It will sort your emotions out, and then you'll be ready for a good cry. I still need to cry my eyes out. It's coming soon. ha. Can't wait for that one.
So later on tonight, my friends from class just started making me laugh a lot and I couldn't stop. It was cleansing. It was awesome. Christians should be the most joyful people around!
As I was driving in my car and listening to some good old rap plus KTIS (what a combination!), I just started smiling the whole time. God is my lover. He LOVES me. Why should I look for acceptance elsewhere? He ADORES me. He loves my laugh, my hair, my eyes. He loves snuggling with me. He loves what makes me laugh, He loves it when I've found a relationship with that special someone and we let Him be a part of it. (Granted...never HAD that kind of relationship, but it's coming (:) He loves it when I have friends that can make me smile anytime. He gave me those friends for a reason. And I adore them.
Yell, cry, scream, punch something (Preferably NOT a person...or a wall...), but in the end, laughter really is the best medicine.
I love you guys. and...this may not make sense to anyone at all, but I need to verbally say I forgive you.
My point is...it's okay to yell at God. Guaranteed he's not to blame for your problems, but it's okay to yell, scream at God. He can take it. It will sort your emotions out, and then you'll be ready for a good cry. I still need to cry my eyes out. It's coming soon. ha. Can't wait for that one.
So later on tonight, my friends from class just started making me laugh a lot and I couldn't stop. It was cleansing. It was awesome. Christians should be the most joyful people around!
As I was driving in my car and listening to some good old rap plus KTIS (what a combination!), I just started smiling the whole time. God is my lover. He LOVES me. Why should I look for acceptance elsewhere? He ADORES me. He loves my laugh, my hair, my eyes. He loves snuggling with me. He loves what makes me laugh, He loves it when I've found a relationship with that special someone and we let Him be a part of it. (Granted...never HAD that kind of relationship, but it's coming (:) He loves it when I have friends that can make me smile anytime. He gave me those friends for a reason. And I adore them.
Yell, cry, scream, punch something (Preferably NOT a person...or a wall...), but in the end, laughter really is the best medicine.
I love you guys. and...this may not make sense to anyone at all, but I need to verbally say I forgive you.
Monday, February 22, 2010
The bitterness that brings death.
If there's one thing that I hate the most that has taken hold of me in the past, it's bitterness.
Bitterness against family, against friends, against teachers, against God.
It ruins. It destroys. It takes hold of innocent hearts broken and plans with hatred and spite to turn your tender heart cold and hard. It makes you think that all people are untrustworthy and everyone is out to get you. It makes you paranoid. It makes you...unlovable. To yourself. To your family. You begin to hate yourself. You don't want to get hurt, and no one will be allowed close enough to hurt you.
I would rather feel pain than feel nothing at all. When you don't feel pain, your heart is hardened and cold towards the things of God. No. I want my heart tender, so God can take those things away and plant LIFE. It's gonna hurt. Anything worthwhile is going to. But it is so worth it. Bitterness adds on a weight that I just can't handle. It's so heavy and ugly.
I'm not perfect. I don't pretend to be perfect. I don't WANT to pretend to be perfect. It's too much work. I just want to be like my Jesus the best that I can. I just wanna be free. And my Jesus freed me from that bitterness.
And baby...I ain't going back.
Bitterness against family, against friends, against teachers, against God.
It ruins. It destroys. It takes hold of innocent hearts broken and plans with hatred and spite to turn your tender heart cold and hard. It makes you think that all people are untrustworthy and everyone is out to get you. It makes you paranoid. It makes you...unlovable. To yourself. To your family. You begin to hate yourself. You don't want to get hurt, and no one will be allowed close enough to hurt you.
I would rather feel pain than feel nothing at all. When you don't feel pain, your heart is hardened and cold towards the things of God. No. I want my heart tender, so God can take those things away and plant LIFE. It's gonna hurt. Anything worthwhile is going to. But it is so worth it. Bitterness adds on a weight that I just can't handle. It's so heavy and ugly.
I'm not perfect. I don't pretend to be perfect. I don't WANT to pretend to be perfect. It's too much work. I just want to be like my Jesus the best that I can. I just wanna be free. And my Jesus freed me from that bitterness.
And baby...I ain't going back.
Friday, February 19, 2010
I have fallen in love...
My nephew, Justice David Anthony Mayberry, was born on February 17, 2010 at 12:52 PM via c-section. He is the most handsome baby boy I have ever seen and I'm not prejudiced:) He is such a miracle boy.
I know he is going to bring change to the world and most definitely to our family. His very name speaks forth of confidence and peace and CHANGE.
This is my handsome, awesome nephew:) And God is going to do great things through him. I know it. I pray for it. Every day:)
I know he is going to bring change to the world and most definitely to our family. His very name speaks forth of confidence and peace and CHANGE.

God bless!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Baby, let's start a revolution.
What if our generation changed the status quo?
What if our generation started loving like we were supposed to?
without selfishness. Without fear. Aboundingly. Without strings attached.
What if we stopped using each other like dolls? What if we actually appreciated each person for who they truly are?
What if our love stopped being meaningless, useless, so incredibly shallow?
What if we started loving with the passion that Jesus had?
What if we were the generation of passionate love, of love so real, so deep, so like Jesus'...that it changed lives?
What if our generation stopped being so dead?
What if our generation was awakened?
What IF...our generation stopped being content with where we are?
What if we stopped being content that we are, it seems, a hopeless generation?
What if we started being the generation that are world changers, a generation that brings hope?
What if we stood up and said NO. What would happen if we stood in the gap?
What if we changed the status quo?
From what we're comfortable in. From what is normal. Let the status quo be changed.
What if the status quo changed from drunkeness, sleeping around, using people, looking for false love, from teenagers in MY city dying in car accidents, with LIFE HAVING NO MEANING....to revival?
To restoration?
To a complete turnaround, where we hunger and thirst for righteousness?
To life being full of meaning, of passion, of love!
to a life that wants a revolution!
I want a revolution in my generation
And I want to change the status quo. It's not gonna happen on it's own.
What if we told others to watch us?
What if other generations started to watch us to see what we would do first?
What would happen?
I'll tell you what would happen.
The enemy will be defeated. And death can't hold us down. Because the victory is won, and baby, it's not satan who's the winner.
Let's change the status quo.
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