While I was listening to Kutless and reading a book, some random things and words just came to me. It's not supposed to rhymn or be a song, just words put together.
A Shut up Christian---an angry song/fighter one
A shut up Christian, is that what you are? We can't pray in schools, we're the ones who're persecuted. I'm not going to stand for that. We will pray, we'll stand up for what we believe in. I'm not gonna stay shut in a little box, pretending I don't have a voice that I do have. I'm protesting, I'm going to use my voice and tell people that there is Someone out there who loves them. Go beyond the surface, don't be afraid. Be who you are in Christ. Life is too short to stay unnoticed. Stand up, be recognized as one of His children, one of his disciples. Don't be afraid of the persecutors. Stand up, face the music, cowering isn't going to help.
Those words just came to me, cause I realize a lot of people are Christians, but don't say anything, acting like the world and staying quiet about His love. And that fact is making me angry.
Outside of this world--a "I can't believe" thing
Outside of this world, a wonder lives. We can't see it, but we can feel it, we can see the things He created. His wonder is there for all to see.
There is a purpose--a hopeful one
Zigzagging through life with no direction to where I'm going, trying to get by, can't wait for the day I die. Some people say that's the way it's supposed to be, that we're not created for a purpose, that we wonder aimlessly. Other people say there's hope, that we WERE created for a great purpose. I wanna know their hope, I wanna know their peace; what do they mean when they say that? Stand up, and make a direction for your lives. You're not too young or too old to start.
It's true. People do go through life aimlessly. Just trying to get by. Well, I won't let them. I'm gonna give them a direction for their life and that is sharing the news that Jesus loves them enough to die for them.
HELP!__ one about pride
I don't need to avoid this pain I feel, for You gave me a promise. Pick me up, put me in Your arms; comfort me from this pain I feel, you gave a pledge, a promise. Please help me, please support me, I'm laying down my pride, trying to get through life on my own, I need You, my Lord, my God. I lay down my pride.
ALWAYS YOU---directions; the first part is from a book, then I did the rest.
The high beam is all I have, to lead me down your way. Darkness hides your wonders, I beg for the light of day. Is your face right there, behind that cloud, I wanna know, I wanna see you. Outside of time, inside my mind, it's You, always You.
It's You, always You, I wanna see, Lord.it's You, only You , I wanna seek, Lord. Your light is all I have to lead me to You. Darkness may hide Your wonder, but it can't hide You. I wanna see your wonder.
Ok, so that's all, I just wanted to share these with you. THanks ya'll!
oh by the way, Two days ago, a kid from our school got killed in a car accident. There've been 4 car accidents in the last year, all students from PHS. I feel there is a spirit of death and I want to pray for it. Please pray with me. "Where one or two are gathered in His name"
THanks! God bless!
~Rachel Mae~
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