Monday, April 16, 2007

What is happening to America?

Why is America going to the wolves? WHY have we turned our backs on God? It's obvious that we're doing horribly without Him, on our own. We think these little things are OK that we do, but they're not.
Why have we turned our backs from the God who delivered us from the bondage of religion? Why have we doubted Him? What happened to America's freedom? We're in bondage, though we think we're free and we're so proud of it.
REALITY: We're NOT free!
REALITY:We're screwed unless we make a complete turnaround.

But what are we doing to change? Nothing.Everybody thinks President Bush is the worst President we've ever had, but he isn't!!! He's at least trying to stand up for what America is--er WAS-- based on...GOD! But people think he's so horrible. Yes he has made mistakes..he's HUMAN not God! We think America is so perfect in what she does, but she's not! Why have we rebelled from God? When did it happen? And when something goes wrong, people blame GOD, when they're the ones to blame for their own pain.

Take Abortion for instance. Women go get an abortion. A couple of years later, they WANT a baby. But they can't get pregnant, because something happened in their bodies when they got that abortion. They question God. "Why won't you let me get pregnant God? It's all your fault!" It's NOT. It was the result of their own stupid idiotic choices. And God gave us free will, so that we can learn from our mistakes, but we're so dumb that we make the same mistake over and over and over again!
No country should look up to us. We're's true! We just do our own thing..we criticize other countries--Mexico, Canada, Israel, etc--but WE are the ones we should be criticizing..take the plank out of our own eyes and stop looking at the needle in the others. I'm not saying that terrorists do is right or that communism is the key. I'm not saying that at all! I'm saying that we need to stop judging, because we're just as bad.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


I lost my niece/nephew and it hurts. SO BAD. But I can only imagine what my sister-in-law and brother are going through. And I'm SO grateful that we have God to lean on. NO, Christianity is not just a crutch for me. It is a passionate, real relationship with my Lord Jesus. But in times of trouble, it's so nice to have Him there, holding you in His arms, telling you it's all going to be ok.

And it is going to be ok, eventually. But we will never forget that little baby. We cannot wait to see him/her in heaven for the first time. What an awesome reunion it will be.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Tears of the Saints

So there's this song called "Tears of the Saints" by Leeland. So powerful. "There are schools full of hatred; even churches have forsaken love and mercy" how true is that? WE turn away people who have dirty clothes...or smell bad..or just look bad. We don't say hi to them, yet we say hi to the hot guys who come in. (or cute girls) What is wrong with us? We're supposed to represent God, who is love and we're turning away the people who most need that way, we're just like the world.

Think on it. Listen to the song. Meditate on it. It's powerful.

God bless!

~Rachel Mae~